Four Years Later…

They arrive wide-eyed, nervous, excited, and full of wonder. They are alone for the first time in the what is the truest sense to them: no parents, no siblings, and if lucky, one friend from high school who is older but “out there somewhere.” They know band is their home but this band is not…at least not yet. Above all, they are hopeful.

Fall of 2019 welcomed 97 freshmen to the UDMB. Today we say “travel well” to 53 who remained through all four years as members of the program. People come and go for any variety of reasons during college–and that is perfectly acceptable. Life…filled with twists and turns no one can anticipate. Today we celebrate those who navigated the pandemic, returned to the NEW normal, and recommitted to something that is part of their soul: band.

As always I suggest they take some time to notice everything around them today. Notice the air, the smells, the sun as it rises above the tree line when looking from the top of the CFA parking garage–the location where they began this part of their journey. Listen to the neighborhood as it comes alive. Listen to the sounds around the stadium as it wakes and prepares for today’s game.

Allow your emotions to have full reign today seniors. No more holding back. No more waiting for the right moment–the moment is NOW. Hug hard, cry harder. Sing louder. Look into people’s eyes and acknowledge their place in your world. You never get a second chance at….your senior day. Relish all of it.

Oh, and yes, know without any question how proud of you I am, and how grateful I am for all YOU taught me.

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