Thanksgiving Saturday Game – It’s Been Years

In 1995 the UDMB matter of factly informed Jim and I that yes, everyone returns to campus for Thanksgiving Saturday because playoffs at UD are an expectation. And for the next decade plus we did just that.

Then it became hit or miss…until it became a non-concern.

Today we returned to the ways of the past—in every sense!

Band members returned in droves the last day or two. Dorms were opened for them. Heck, even the weather cooperated! Playoff season at UD again!

99% of the UDMB cheered on the team to a 56-17 victory (1% of flu, plane tickets from the other side of the country and a cruise stopped 9 people from being here… oh, to be on that cruise! But I digress…

Many years ago we established that we would give the students as much down time as possible this time of year. That meant showing up for the home playoff games for the least amount of rehearsal needed. The phrase and rule was simple: “If you don’t know it by now you never will.”

Playoffs are a time to be on autopilot. It is and will always be about the team. Not the band! Today the UDMB did all of that and a tad more. An hour rehearsal, eat, dress, pregame, game, WIN, done. Simple and easy.

And they rocked it!

And I’m proud of each and every one of them. And the staff who upended all their holiday plans too to be here.

One down…three to go. It’s all in the hands of the team. We’ll be there if you need us!

Oh, and yeah, if you stick around a place long enough eventually you too will have an alum who “buzzes” the band and takes a pretty awesome picture of rehearsal.

Pregame rehearsal first round of playoffs 2022.

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